Decades in a role of politician who speaks, the others listen and repeat. This scenario lacks any relief and smoothes the organic flow of communication between student and teacher. Continuing like this would leave a smooth educational system in which only the minimum information necessary for students to pass subjects when evaluated flows. The result is young people who go out into the world with scattered minds. The mind has no firm footing anywhere. The mind only knows how to replace old information with new information at every moment. A model that no longer performs.
The role of the teacher evolves to the level of "who listens". The student changed because the world changed and now we have a student who is not surprised, who consumes inflamed amounts of information that he cannot retain. That way of teaching is damaged and now there is an alternate way and that is what I am going to talk to you about.
To listen we need to be silent, the student, like every human being, wants to be heard. What's more, today there is so little time available that people confuse being loved with being heard. In general, we love and feel loved by the people who listen to us, precisely because of how rare it is. There is a narrow path there that we can use to fulfill educational functions. If our student trusts us, it is because he has noticed that we listen to him. Whoever feels heard feels valued and as I said before, first you have to be silent, take a break to listen.
The student can't stand the spiel anymore, we give them advice and we don't have any information about his life and therefore no right to do so. Silence changes us from doing monologues to being mediators. We mediate between the student and their needs, we mediate between the student and their abilities, we mediate between the student and their desires, we mediate between the student and the educational experience.
In a world full of waste and flooded with advertising, auditory and repetitive leftovers. Only silence, which is a landscape not understood by this generation, gives us back the possibility of creating a relationship with them.
How do we mediate then? With education.