The estimate of money is obtained individually by each platform, since each one has a different number of reproductions and each one has its formula for monetizing and paying for music. Therefore, the song receives a payment for YouTube, another for Spotify, another for Apple music and so on for all the digital platforms to which the artists and the record company have decided to distribute them, which are no less than 30. The illustration of money to receive per reproduction we will do it with YouTube where there are currently almost 200 million reproductions.
YouTube defines a value in dollars to pay for every thousand views on the video, this indicator is called RPM. This varies depending on the origin of the visits, for example, if there are a thousand visits from the United States, the rpm is 2 dollars, but if they are from Argentina it is 1 dollar. Therefore, out of 200 million visits we could think that the majority are visits from Latin American countries and for this reason the rpm could be around 1.50, which gives a value of 300 thousand dollars.
Now, the song was composed by Gonzalo Julián Conde known as Bizarap, Shakira, Kevyn Cruz and Santiago Alvarado and it was released through the Dale play Records record label. Therefore, the amounts to be collected are divided among themselves and even among the companies that charge a percentage for doing the collection work.
A piece of information to finish: Platforms like Apple music pay twice the RPM than Spotify or YouTube, therefore, the values to be received are significantly different. It is impossible to know the exact value that Shakira receives for session #53 since only the digital publisher will be able to view the rpm for each platform and only the authors together with the record label know within the negotiation what percentage each one obtains, but it is They estimate that Shakira alone could accumulate about 5 million dollars between the payments of all digital platforms, including synchronizations on social networks, as a net profit after taxes.
The trilogy of spite I congratulate you, Monotonía and session 53 have at least left a net profit of 10 million dollars for the singer.