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  • Writer's pictureRoberto S. Falquez

Fan Vs Zombie

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

Don't change your content, change your niche

At school there were people who admired us whom we never took into account and vice versa. The consequence of this was not serious back then because we did not need to monetize.

Episode #5

In artistic businesses, it is vital to identify the community that admires you to make them your priority, while forgetting those who do not approve of you or who approve of you half. If you wanted to reach a niche with your art that you cannot monetize, but you find that there is another niche that does, dedicate yourself to them. If you are good and enjoy a specific content, do not try to mutate yourself or your content, just redirect who you are targeting.

Quality vs Quantity

What good are 10 million fans if you can't monetize them? Having your video played on a social network will not feed you. Much more important is that you find the niche that is willing to pay for something in return, for example:

1. Attend online concerts (Fans)

2. Go to your live concerts (Fans)

3. Buy products with your name and phrases from your songs. (Fans)

4. Buy tickets with backstage access (Fans)

5. Sign up for an exclusive webinar on technical topics that you are going to teach. (Artists who admire you)

6. That they sponsor your projects (Entrepreneurs)

Here is the key

If instead of millions of views and users, we get only 5 thousand fans that mean an average of $ 10 per month each, we have a base of 50 thousand per month. Those 5 thousand fans are going to receive your pure and passionate energy as well as a high quality of work. They are going to feel it and not only are they going to consume you, they are going to defend you and they are going to worry about you.

At this point you turned his taste for your art into a relationship. You have just signed a long subscription, maybe even a “lifetime subscription”. The advantage is that you no longer make an effort to make yourself known to new people and wear yourself out screaming in the forest for them to turn to see you. These fans do it for you, because you no longer have zombies, you have “Brand lovers”.

Just think that in my country (Ecuador) there were 17 candidates for the presidency of the republic and none obtained zero votes, because what for some is ridiculously unpresentable, for others it can be of total admiration.


Leave the microwave material that the only thing that does is that you work more to obtain products that are worth less. When you give quality to your audience, you will notice that they need to go deeper into your art.

Do what you know how to do well, take them there to riskier spaces, your identity will be an irremediable part of their life and your art will find the treasured element that for many is unattainable: Posterity.

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